
Is your manufacturing coming back to the Netherlands?

As a manufacturer you might also experience that more and more products are coming back from Asia. They are being manufactured nationally again. So more and more companies are deciding to bring their production back from low-wage countries. For example because of disappointing results or changing laws and regulations.

Sometimes it turns out that manufacturing your products abroad is then no longer profitable. And that it therefore saves costs if you choose to have production take place in your own country again. Chain Logistics is happy to help you with so-called reshoring, bringing business activities back to the Netherlands, such as assembly work.


Why reshoring?

As an entrepreneur, why would you choose reshoring? There are several reasons for this:

Changes in the market

Perhaps your customers demand more customisation or want shorter delivery times.

Changes in production processes
Because of new demands placed on the production process (due to, among other things, rapid innovations and attention to quality control).

Insight into costs

Total production costs in low-wage countries often turn out to be higher than expected anyway. There are rising labour costs, failure and transport costs are higher than in the Netherlands and there are various 'hidden' costs.

Characteristics of the production country
Manufacturing in low-wage countries is often more complex than in the Netherlands. Think, for instance, of language and cultural differences and problems protecting intellectual property. Also, (changing) laws and regulations can throw a spanner in the works.

In short: sometimes, as an entrepreneur, you are better off reshoring. Chain Logistics has the knowledge and experience to make this process run smoothly.


Your benefits

  • Benefit from years of knowledge and experience
  • No worries about your production (process)
  • Expert advice and many years of experience
  • Nationally and internationally

Interested in reshoring your production?

Call to action - afbeelding

Feel free to contact us and ask about the possibilities